E is for Ether by Chris Vola

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E is for Ether

poetry by
Chris Vola

Cover art by Jenny G. Schwartz

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P is for Psilocybin

A crash
your college
roommates dead

           then dawn

(a fucked 

The caps you shared
crept into it

waking you.
Months later, 
a highway in 

you cannot be

you can know. 
The bus heads

and more south

a limping old man
settles beside you
English with diffidence.

CHRIS VOLA is the author of Monkeytown, a novel. His work has appeared in The Rumpus, Monkeybicycle, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Paste Magazine, and elsewhere. A former contributing books editor at The Brooklyn Rail and chapbook reviewer at Short, Fast, and Deadly, he lives in New York and can be found at smalldrunkencog.blogspot.com.

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